View levy online Work permit for FDW (Foreign Domestic Worker/Maid) Renew maid work permit diamondagencysingapore@gmail. com or telp di 66807237 17/1/12 fee 200sgd + insurance include pick up documents juga. Info lengkap: manpower/passes-visas/work- permit-fdw/cancelation- renewal/Pages/pass-renewal. aspx Info requirement penting: 1 A FDW’s passport must be valid for at least seven months from the expiry date of the existing Work Permit. 2 Security Deposit $5,000 by Bank Guarantee or Insurance Guarantee 3 Personal Accident Insurance min $40,000 for 26 months 4 Medical insurance for inpatient care and day surgery min $15,000 per year Langkah2: 1. Perpanjang paspor PLRT (lihat expiry date paspor dan bandingkan dengan requirement no.1 - paspor baru berlaku 5 tahun). Perpanjang hampir sama seperti perpanjangan paspor biasa di KBRI, bedanya dokumen yan...