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Showing posts from 2012


Long house (rumah dayak) Coba duren hutan yg dijual Dayak di pinggir jalan (ga seenak duren JB atau Pahang yg dijual di spore), asli ga berapa manis, warna Kuning pudar. Butuh licensed tour guide or taxi driver cum tour guide. Anda diajak lihat tengkorak2 jaman dulu di traditional meeting chamber. Btw mesti ijin baru boleh fotoin orang Dayak. Ga boleh sembarangan. They are friendly but don't underestimate them Bako national Park :mangrove, macaque, proboscis monkey, wild boar, snakes... Disini licensed guide umumnya orang asli, chinese atau Dayak. Mereka bagus juga inggrisnya. Ga nonton paket tari2an Dayak karena waktu terbatas. Ada 1 tempat di luar Kota khusus utk orang utan, mereka 1/2 liar punya nama sendiri2, ga di kandangin. Nonton feeding harus pagi. Ini juga dgn daily tour atau charter taxi. Food: Chinese food seperti Mie karet, kolomie Sarawak, seafood. Mall kecil2 kayak parkson Hilton hotel lokasi ok. Banyak hotel dekat2nya. Tune hotel berisik.

Pre-schools near Tiong Bahru/Tanjong Pagar MRT

I have collected many info, in case it's useful for any of you who are staying near Tiong Bahru. YWCA Programmes: Pre-Nursery & Nursery (AM Session: 8:30am - 11:30am;PM Session: 12:45pm - 03:45pm) Kindergarten 1 & 2 (AM Session: 8:30am - 12:30am;PM Session: 12:00pm - 04:00pm) Child care 7am-7pm mon-fri My comments: Went to the school, it's quite good, quite clean with reasonable price too around $600 monthly Superland montessori Blk 568, Ganges Ave, #02-102, Singapore 160568           (2nd Floor of Jalan Besar Town Council)         Telephone / Fax (65) 62785886 / 62782206         Electronic mail For Registration & Other Information, please contact us at Forum comments: 1 2 Carpe Diem Little Skool House (RiverValley) *new* 262 River Valley Road (must take bus 195, 23 min) Singapore 238308 O...

Doctor for prostat

- Dr. Damien png Mount Elizabeth #07-08  Tel 67322966 - Prof. Chris Cheng. Kepalanya cancer center di SGH. Dia urolog sekaligus oncolog (kanker) juga. Orgnya pinter, teliti (dia ga asal percaya aja ama hasil report dokter laen, dia periksa sendiri), agak nyentrik jg suka pake dasi kupu2.  Tips Seberapa 'parah' prostat yang dialami? Kalau 'hanya' susah urine bisa obat obat  yang menurut saya cukup bagus; merk HARNAL D 0,2mg, bukan buatan Indonesia,  banyak dijual di Indonesia, satu papan isi 14 biji HET Rp.209,500. Saya coba nanya2 di Sin tapi tidak/belum  pernah ketemu ada yg jual :( Check internet utk detail spec nya. yang pasti temen2 yg 'susah urine' umur diatas 50thn  konsumsi obat tsb jadi oke. Kalau di Jakarta namanya Prostakur . Boleh dicoba .

Schengen visa

Visa ke Eropa (Europe) 31/5/2012 Paling gampang minta ke Kedubes Belanda di Liat Towers di Orchard aja. Apalagi denger2 skrg utk WNI proses visa application-nya dipersingkat dan dipermudah. Kalo dulu bisa sampe makan waktu 2 mingguan, krn mrk musti so-called konsultasi ama semua negara2 EU, skrg kewajiban ini ditiadakan utk WNI, jadinya prosesnya lebih cepet deh. Asalkan semua persyaratan komplit, dlm 3 hari kerja visa udh bisa jadi. Google aja "Dutch embassy Singapore" komplit kok infonya di situ. Kalo pengalaman gw dulu (thn 2010), yg penting diminta antara lain: *Tanda izin tinggal di Spore (bisa EP, PR, Student Pass, dll) *Surat keterangan kerja dari kantor (kalo bekerja), dgn menyatakan: periode cuti dari kpn sampe kpn, udh bekerja di situ mulai kapan, jabatan apa, gaji per bln brp, dan jaminan dari kantor bhw ybs akan kembali bekerja lagi di kantor tsb setelah selesai cuti/liburan ke Eropa. *Rekening koran (Bank, Savings/Current Account) selama 3 bln t...

Rent a toy

Sewa mainan Pemilik nya: Hazel (mobile: 9389 7383) Untuk mainan yg popular harus pesan dulu jauh hari, kalau kita perpanjang sewanya bisa dapat discount, juga kalau nilai sewa S$50 atau keatas, mainan bisa diantar dan waktu due dia jemput kembali. Eg. Little playzone Sewa cuma S$20/bulan untuk 4 panel, kalau kurang besar/luas bisa nambah $5/panel/month.

Medical assistance

Should you need any medical assistance, feel free to contact PERSIFY via: ✆ +65 9118 3777 ✉  26829FFF They can assist you in finding the right doctor and help you make an appointment. (You may mention that you were referred by "Helmie") P/S: This service is Free of Charge ^^ Alternatively, you may go to this website Saya mau bagi2 info nih. kalau misalnya ada yang butuh pendamping untuk check up ke Rumah Sakit di Singapore/ untuk konsultasi ke dokter2 di Singapore bisa kabari saya. free of charge. Untuk info lebih lanjut bisa japri atau contact Jenny langsung di 9662 4128.


LOL = Laughs Out Loud (tertawa terbahak) LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing (tertawa sambil berguling dilantai kegirangan) ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off FYI = For Your Information HTH = Hope That Helped/Hope This Helps IAC = In Any Case IIRC = If I Recall Correctly AFAIK = As Far As I Know ASAP= As Soon As Possible (sesegera mungkin) BTW = By The Way TY = Thank You TIA = Thanks In Advance TFTT = Thanks For The Thought TYVM = Thank You Very Much CMIIW = Correct Me If I’m Wrong LTNC = Long Time No See OIC = Oh, I See OMG = Oh, My God OTOH = On The Other Hand TS = Thread Starter (yang membuat/memulai suatu thread di forum) WTB = Want To Buy WTS = Want To Sell WTI = Want To Inform WTA = Want To Ask BIN : Buy it Now Inc : Kelipatan penawaran. CP = Cross-Posting OT = Off Topic OOT = Out Of Topic (diluar topik) VOOT = Very Out Of Topic POV = Point Of View PS = Post Scriptum; PostScript SOL = Sorry, One Liner –...